Answer (1 of 3): Rails can be a very good platform for a React app. React apps generally interact with a server using RESTful requests with JSON bodies. A Rails app can be rapidly developed to support those requests. So the bootstrapping time for a new ap... (more…)
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How to test knowledge of a Ruby on Rails developer - RubyGarage knows just the questions to ask. Our guide will help you confidently hire a Rails developer for your next project. (more…)
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[mirror] A sustainable architecture for Ruby on Rails. - szTheory/upgrow... (more…)
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Winning the race in e-commerce now is a matter of offering security, performance as well as customer experience. Basically, that is the focal point of the RoR (Ruby on Rails) outline or framework. (more…)
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We'll build a Rails API and control access to it with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). (more…)
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