JavaScript has gone from being a marketing ploy to gain a tactical advantage, to becoming the core programming experience in the world’s most widely used application runtime platform. Where to, next?
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Whenever I review a code, I see people keep mixing for and forEach in their code. Either they are confused, or they can’t differentiate between for and forEach. As a thumbs rule, You should always use forEach except for a few scenarios. Here in this artic... (more…)
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A collaborative project that allows people to use alternative year numbering systems in existing digital texts (ebooks and web sites) instead of BC dates that are backwards and unintuitive. - Detec... (more…)
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Let's talk a bit about keeping tabs on how much CPU is consumed by an application's JavaScript. And let's frame the discussion around components - the atomic building blocks of the application. This way any performance improvement efforts (or regression i... (more…)
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