In any software project, there are tones of tedious tasks that can be easily automated — building, scaffolding, testing, publishing etc. I……
popmotion - The JavaScript motion engine. Create unique animations and interactions with tweens, physics and input tracking. (more…)
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基于 tfjs-node 的前端算法工程框架 front-end algorithm engineer platform based on tfjs-node - alibaba/pipcook... (more…)
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There are several problems with the JavaScript name. Is it time to rebrand JavaScript? If so, what should we call it? (more…)
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The Lambda Calculus is a tiny symbol manipulation system which suffices to compute anything Turing-computable. Thanks to this expressive power, LC is woven i... (more…)
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Highlights of our newest changes to the internal representation
and how they will benefit our users.
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