Beyond R and Python: Rust for Science

Rust looks like an increasingly important part of the future of scientific programming.
It’s as fast as C++, as flexible as Python, and does packaging
better than even R. It is also very difficult to learn, and demands a lot of
cognitive investment. On ba… Read more


Property-Based Testing in Python

NOTE: This blog post complements a PyDistrict presentation on the same topic posted on this date. Thanks to Rami Chowdhury for inviting me to speak, and the PyDistrict organizers for hosting me. Code samples from this talk are available at this GitHub rep... (more…)

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Generate PulseGraphs from Text Using Python

Ever since I watched the movie ‘Arrival’, I wanted to create my own logographs. Just like the one they show in the movie. So, I started searching about the symbols they shown in the movie. I found that the movie company hired Wolfram to produce the logogr... (more…)

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