Good machine learning research starts with an exceptional dataset. There is no need to spend your evening crafting your own set of data in MySQL or, god forbid, Excel. Basically, anything from… (more…)
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Ever think, Why did anyone name it that? Here, a helpful guide with suggestions for avoiding confusion. (more…)
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Amazon started to use Machine Learning to hallucinate non-existing reviews and suggest product ratings, that are far removed from reality. (more…)
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Nikhil Garg talks about the various Machine Learning problems that are important for Quora to solve in order to keep the quality high at such a massive scale. He describes their approach to these problems and shares some lessons from building and maintain...
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Complex data can be represented as a graph of relationships between objects. Such networks are a fundamental tool for modeling social, technological, and biological systems. This course focuses on the computational, algorithmic, and model... (more…)
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