Auto-Scaling a Docker Swarm on DigitalOcean

Setting up a Docker Swarm (“docker swarm mode” if you want to be more accurate), is
pretty much a trivial process. You need 3 nodes, create a swarm on one of them and
join the other two nodes to the swarm. Simple. What if you wanted a 100 swarm nodes?
How… Read more


Docker as Build Environment

I want to shed light on the often unnoted role of Docker as a build environment in larger and legacy applications that regularly must be maintained and extended. In particular, I want to highlight Docker’s role during the build process. (more…)

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Your Repository of Images at Docker Hub

I just want to have a Docker Image of Postgresql on Docker Hub, with preloaded data saved, so I can pull it and create a container whenever I want, even sharing the image with other people for testing general stuff (just as a code repo on Github). I also ... (more…)

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