Asynchronous, GTK+-based, GUI Library, Inspired by Elm, Written in Rust

An asynchronous GUI Rust library, based on GTK+ and futures/tokio… Read more


Elm: React Without Compromises

The world of front end development has been experiencing a major paradigm shift over the past few years. Frameworks have shifted from Model/View and Object-Oriented paradigm of Backbone, Ember, Angularjs v1, and dozens of similar smaller projects to a new... (more…)

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Elm Type Declaration Demystified

While trying to learn Elm, I came across a few concepts that were not easy to grasp. Especially when it comes to types and the syntax. I struggled with the difference between type and type alias. I struggled with understanding what was going on in a type ... (more…)

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Elmx: JSX for Elm

elmx - A tiny precompiler that takes an Elm program with embedded HTML and desugars the HTML into elm-html syntax. Elmx is to Elm what React's JSX is to Javascript...

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Where can we find the roadmap of Elm?

If you like what you see now, that’s pretty much what Elm is going to be for a while. I’m currently doing some exploratory work. It is still too early to tell which parts of that might work out, so there is no real news to share at this point. If this w... (more…)

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