Ansible: Performance Impact of the Python Version

Until recently, I was not really paying attention to the version of Python I was using with Ansible, this as soon as it was Python3. The default version was always good enough for Ansible. During t… Read more


Python 3.9: Cool New Features for You to Try

In this tutorial, you'll explore some of the coolest and most useful features in the newly released Python 3.9. You'll learn how Python 3.9 makes it easier to work with time zones, dictionaries, decorators, and several other techniques that will make your... (more…)

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Python decorators make composability easier

The last couple of posts have been about 49travel and the way I built it. This week I am going to be talking about decorators for a bit. It seems very disconnected from the last posts, but I started reflecting on this while writing some Python for 49trav... (more…)

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