Angular vs. React – the DEAL BREAKER

Angular is a big framework with all the tooling and best practices made on top of it. Suits ones, hates the others. React on the other hand is just a small view library that you would need while……


DevUI Admin v1.0.0 Released, based on Angular 11, Welcome to join us if you like

DevUI是一款开源免费的企业中后台产品前端的通用解决方案,其设计价值观基于'致简','沉浸','灵活'三种自然与人文相结合的理念,旨在为设计师,前端开发者提供标准的设计体系,并满足各类落地场景,是一款企业级开箱即用的产品。全部代码开源并遵循 MIT 协议,任何企业、组织及个人均可免费使用。目前支持 Angular ^10.0.0 版本。... (more…)

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