The FTC is sounding the alarm on artificial intelligence being used to simulate someone’s voice in imposter scams, which was the most commonly reported fraud in 2022. NBC News’ Emilie Ikeda spoke to one father who got a call that sounded like his daughter... (more…)
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A private musing over an AI experiment gone wrong unexpectedly sparked off a culture and ethics debate in China. (more…)
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If you’ve ever read The Da Vinci Code or thrilled to the adventures of Indiana Jones, you know few things are more fun than stories of how the ancient world — and our modern one — intersect. A University of Kentucky computer scientist, Brent Seales, has f... (more…)
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What is that famous maxim in computer science about something that doubles on a regular cadence? Moore’s Law is one answer, but that’s a doubling (in this... (more…)
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‘There’s a new intelligence in town’ as Victor Miller and his ChatGPT bot, Vic, plan to lead Cheyenne in a hybrid format... (more…)
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