Agile and Coding: Can we have that in Python too?

REPL Driven Development is about fast feedback loops during development. It is not about typing code into a terminal window. Don’t do that. A Read Eval Print Loop (REPL) is often described as a shell tool that you use to try out a programming language. T… Read more


Suck-Less Scientific Python

Preface¶This series of posts is based on a talk I held for the TS-CCES group at the Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg in November 2016. I presented this Jupyter notebook directly using RISE, a Reveal.js plugin for Jupyter. This allowed me to ... (more…)

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What Is Python Best For?

Recently I had a discussion over Reddit over why would someone would use Python over other programming languages. The discussion was pretty good and thus I thought about writing a post about it. First of all, let me give you my thoughts on Python. Python ... (more…)

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