A Possible New Back End for Rust

Is that a compiler backend or frontend? Cranelift Bringing this together Benchmarks Footnotes LLVM originally stood for Low Level Virtual Machine but this was dropped as LLVM is no longer a virtual machine and more of a library of utilities. https://githu… Read more


Why Rust strings seem hard

Lately I've been seeing lots of anecdotes from people trying to get into Rust who get really hung up on strings (&str, String, and their relationship). Beyond Rust's usual challenges around ownership, there can be an added layer of frustration because... (more…)

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24 days of Rust – cargo subcommands

Welcome to the second edition of 24 Days of Rust! Two years ago in December 2014 the first edition was pretty well received by the Rust community. That was a hard time - we were still before the 1.0 release of the language. I had to keep up with updating...

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