A Fistful of States: More State Machine Patterns in Rust

Earlier this year, DeisLabs released Krustlet, a project to implement Kubelet
in Rust. 1 2 Kubelet is the component of Kubernetes that
runs on each node which is assigned Pods by the control plane and runs them on
its node. Krustlet defines a flexible API… Read more


The Problem of Effects in Rust

In a previous post, I shortly discussed the concept of “effects” and the parallels between them. In an unrelated post since then, Yosh Wuyts writes about the problem of trying to write fallible code inside of an iterator adapter that doesn’t support it. I... (more…)

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Ownership Guided Translation from C to Rust

Dubbed a safer C, Rust is a modern programming language that combines memory safety and low-level control. This interesting combination has made Rust very popular among developers and there is a growing trend of migrating legacy codebases (very often in C... (more…)

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