(A Few) Advanced Variable Types in Rust Andmdash; Learning Rust

Advanced variable types in Rust can give your vars super powers: smart pointers and interior mutability features give you more power! Read more


Process Spawning Performance in Rust

As part of my PhD studies, I’m working on a distributed task runtime called HyperQueue. Its goal is to provide an ergonomic and efficient way to execute task graphs on High-Performance Computing (HPC) distributed clusters, and one of its duties is to be a... (more…)

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Parsing NES ROM Headers with Nom and Rust

Long, long ago (December 2015) I wanted to learn how emulators worked, so I decided to write an NES emulator. Not only that, but I opted to write it in Rust, a language which I had never used before. A crazy idea, to be certain, but once I was done I had ... (more…)

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