A curious case of memory leak in a Node.js app

This is a story of a bug I had an opportunity to fix in the ancient times of node.js 0.10. The new and shiny node.js 0.12 was still just glimmering somewhere on the horizon, we were still young and beautiful. Some of us, at least.


Common Mistakes Made by Node.js Developers

The growth of Node.js is tremendous. It’s clear why — Node.js helps us move fast, it has a rich packages ecosystem, it’s battle-tested and the usage of JavaScript allows businesses to go truly full-stack and cut the development lifecycle short. However, w... (more…)

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Node.js now has official certification

The Node.js Foundation’s mission is to enable widespread adoption and help accelerate development of Node.js and other related modules. We do this through an open governance model that encourages participation and technical contribution. (more…)

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Creating an HTTPS Server with Node.js

If you search for the word ‘HTTPS’ on medium (yes, this platform!), you will be blown away by the response. Articles here range from The list goes on. Let me remind you, this is just Medium, a simple…

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