It's been hard to ignore bots and virtual assistants lately. Google is integrating its Google Assistant into its smartphones, home devices, and Allo messaging service. Amazon’s smart-home Echo device is becoming an “unlikely hit” among American hou...
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I remember my first conversation with an AI-powered healthcare assistant. I woke up with watery red eyes. The more I rubbed them, the more… (more…)
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This repository is dedicated to the technical analysis of The Royal Game of Ur. We aim to answer: How much of the game is luck, and how much is skill? - Sothatsit/RoyalUrAnalysis... (more…)
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This vertical farm in Pittsburgh, PA uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop a grow recipe for better tasting greens. (more…)
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Are you Procedurally Literate? It’s the step beyond Computer Literacy, where you not only know how to use a computer, but also understand how the computer accomplishes your requests. The current… (more…)
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