_ is a keyword in Java 9, use this script to check your code by Sundararajan

Underscore (“_”) is a keyword in Java 9. If you use “_” as an identifier, javac of JDK 8+ issues a warning. javac of JDK 9, issues an error! To check and migrate your Java code to avoid using “_” as an identifier, you can use the following Nashorn script…


Eclipse Collections for Java

Eclipse Collections is a collections framework for Java with optimized data structures and a rich, functional and fluent API. - eclipse-collections/README.md at master · eclipse/eclipse-collections... (more…)

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A small and easy-to-use one-time password generator library for Java according to RFC 4226 (HOTP) and RFC 6238 (TOTP). - BastiaanJansen/OTP-Java... (more…)

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