5 features of ES6/7/8 that supercharge your JavaScript

I’ve been lucky enough to be using JavaScript with a transpiler for a few years now and as web developers it really has opened a whole new world for us. Instead of waiting for browsers to support the latest features we are able to write the JavaScript of… Read more


The remarkable ES6 spread operator

A quick post to write about one of my favourite ES6 feature - Spread operator. What is it?Official (and frankly boring) definition from Mozilla docs: Spread syntax (...) allows an iterable such as an array expression or string to be expanded in places whe... (more…)

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Babel and ES6

Babel is a JavaScript compiler. That means with Babel, you can write syntax in the latest version of JavaScript, and it will transform the code to be browser-compatible JavaScript. This is awesome, because it is good to learn the most up to date version, ... (more…)

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