I don't recall the first time I found out about Halite. It was probably years ago. I do remember… (more…)
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3rd person shooter in the very early development phase - mrDIMAS/StationIapetus... (more…)
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Thanks in part to Linkerd's performance numbers and stellar security audit report, there's been a recent surge of interest in Linkerd2-proxy, the underlying proxy used by Linkerd. I've been working on Linkerd2-proxy for the majority of my time as a Linker... (more…)
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cargo-chef is a new cargo sub-command to build just the dependencies of your Rust project based on a JSON description file, a recipe.
cargo-chef can be used to fully leverage Docker layer caching, therefore massively speeding up Docker builds for Rust pro... (more…)
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Since the start of the year, the AWS Rust team has been drafting our charter and tenets. Charters and tenets are the framework AWS teams use to define our scope and priorities. The charter tells you what the team does, and the tenets tell you how the team... (more…)
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