24 days of Rust – nom, part 2

We learned the basic concepts of nom
when we wrote a parser for HTTP headers. HTTP is by its nature a text protocol.
nom however always works on bytes (byte array slices, denoted in Rust with
&[u8]). This makes it perfectly suitable for pars…


Rust is not a good C replacement

I have a saying that summarizes my opinion of Rust compared to Go: “Go is the result of C programmers designing a new programming language, and Rust is the result of C++ programmers designing a new programming language”. This isn’t just a metaphor - Go wa... (more…)

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Impl Future for Rust

The Rust community has been hard at work on our 2017 roadmap, but as we come up on the final quarter of the year, we’re going to kick it into high gear—and we want you to join us! (more…)

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